Game Studio Roles & Development


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This course can only be taken as part of the Certificate in Game Design.

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About this Course

This course focuses on the management skills and processes required to succeed in game development studios. We'll look at the structures, roles and challenges involved in working with development teams. You'll learn different development methodologies and collaboratively create a game prototype. Throughout, you’ll take on roles mirroring those of professional development teams, and you'll be responsible for systems design, prototyping, storyboarding, visual design, plot and character development.


  • Project management as applied to game design teams
  • How to succeed within the constraints of a business model
  • Roles and responsibilities of a game development team
  • Techniques for designing a viable user interface
  • How to prioritize features to get to an MVP (minimum viable product)

Program Overview

This course is part of the Certificate in Game Design.

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