Medical Biometry II


Course Details

  • Location: Online
  • Duration: 9 weeks
  • Times: Evenings
  • Cost starts at: $1,960

Next Start Date:

January 8, 2025

This course is part of a certificate program. You can also take it without enrolling in the program.

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About this Course

The second course in the program presents methods and strategies for developing both simple and complex models in R, allowing you to analyze relationships in multivariate data using linear regression. We’ll explore how to evaluate the model fit, compute confidence intervals on the model parameters, identify outlier data, and interpret what the model parameters represent. At the end of the course, you’ll be able to use R to analyze and display how well the models represent complex data, as well as be able to interpret and report on the results.


What You’ll Learn

  • How to formulate an appropriate model to answer a scientific question
  • How to interpret and graphically display and report results
  • How to use and interpret results from multiple linear regression models
  • How to use and interpret results from Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) and 1- and 2-way ANOVA models
  • Details about data transformations, dummy variables and outlier detection

Get Hands-On Experience

You’ll complete a data analysis project using real-world examples to examine data, display and report results, and draw appropriate conclusions.


Learning Format

Online With Real-Time Meetings

Online Synchronous

Combine the convenience of online learning with the immediacy of real-time interaction. You’ll meet with your instructor and classmates at scheduled times over Zoom. Learn More »

Course Sessions

Online Synchronous


Meet your instructor

Lurdes Inoue

Associate Professor, Biostatistics

Credit Course

You’ll earn 4 academic credits for successfully completing this course. Learn more about credit courses


Meet your instructor

Lurdes Inoue

Associate Professor, Biostatistics


You'll earn 4 continuing education units (CEUs) for successfully completing this course. Learn more about noncredit options.

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