Meet the Instructors

Deanna Boston

CEO, Edmond Public Schools Foundation

Deanna Boston discovered her passion for the nonprofit profession at her first job more than 25 years ago. Since then, Boston has held leadership roles as an executive director, CEO, consultant and facilitator.

Boston excels in fundraising, grant writing, board roles and responsibilities, and strategic planning. Her grant writing experience includes securing grants from private, corporate and community foundations, as well as government entities, with her CDBG grants scoring the highest among all applicants. Boston has taught grant writing through the Center for Nonprofit Management and the Grant Writer’s Association at the University of Oklahoma, and she taught Fundraising for the Arts at Oklahoma State University. 

Boston earned her master’s degree in nonprofit management from Regis University, achieved the Certified Fundraising Executive Certification (CFRE), and received additional training from the Lilly School of Philanthropy at Indiana University. Her graduate research at Regis University led to substantial changes in nonprofit laws in Oklahoma.

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