noncredit course grades
Students in noncredit courses earn one of three possible grades:
SC (Successful Completion)
A SC grade means you have fulfilled the course requirements as outlined by the instructor. Your instructor’s requirements may include expectations around participation and the completion of assignments.
USC (Unsuccessful Completion)
An USC grade means you have not met the course requirements as outlined by the instructor.
I (Incomplete)
An Incomplete grade is given only when the student provides satisfactory proof to the instructor of why the work can't be completed on time due to illness or other circumstances beyond the student’s control. An instructor may grant an incomplete only if the student has requested it and the student has completed 80% of the coursework.
If the instructor grants an Incomplete, you must complete all remaining assignments within two weeks of the last class session. Your instructor has an additional week (7 days) to review your work and record a grade of either SC or USC. Students who have not completed course requirements by this time will automatically earn a grade of USC. Contact your instructor for more information about the process for requesting and converting an Incomplete.
If you’re unable to complete the course on time due to a permanent or temporary disability, contact the Disability Services Office to discuss needs and potential accommodations.
Grade Reports
At the end of each quarter, your grade is posted online to your unofficial record of continuing education courses. A UW NetID required for access. To request a copy of your official record, contact the UWPCE Records Office at or 206-543-2310.
Grade Requirements for Certificate Programs & Specializations
If you’re enrolled in a noncredit certificate program or specialization, you must earn a SC grade in each course to ultimately earn the certificate. If you receive a USC grade, you may need to apply to a future offering to retake the course before continuing.
credit course grades
Students in credit courses are graded according to UW’s grading system, which differs for undergraduate and graduate courses. For more information, see:
S/NS (Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory)
If you don’t plan to apply your course credits to a future degree, you may request to be graded on an S/NS (satisfactory/not satisfactory) basis at the time of registration. You get credit for the course only if you earn an S grade. S/NS grades are not factored into your GPA.
Grade Reports
Grades earned for credit courses are included in your UW GPA and appear on your UW transcript.
Grade Requirements for Certificate Programs
If you’re enrolled in a credit certificate program, you must receive a passing grade in one course in order to progress to the next one and ultimately earn the certificate. Some credit certificate programs require that students earn a minimum grade in each course and/or maintain a minimum cumulative GPA.